Lauren brings an incredible amount of energy to each session.

— Beth Crompton, Post-natal Client

What my clients are saying.

I couldn’t recommend a better Pilates class post Bub and Lauren is an excellent instructor.

I wouldn’t feel as strong and healthy only for her!

Big plus being able to bring Bub to class if needed too!

— Sarah Kavanagh

I’m so glad to have found Lauren and Inner Glow Pilates after the birth of my second baby: Lauren is super knowledgeable about postnatal exercise and her expertise puts my mind at ease that the class will be challenging whilst also being safe for my personal postpartum body.

Lauren is also such a lovely person who always lends a hand or modifies when my bub is grumpy (or even having a full on meltdown). Best of all I’m getting stronger and healing my pelvic floor / diastasis recti whilst getting out of the house and making a few new friends.

Inner Glow is the highlight of my week!

— Jessika Maree

Excellent studio for pre and post partum. Lauren's expertise allowed me to feel confident and safe, and I continue to feel stronger every week.

I cannot recommend highly enough!

— Tessa Turnbull

“Lauren really helped me during my third trimester. I felt amazing after each session and she was so supportive and lovely, offering her own advice as a mum. I felt like I was in very safe hands.

She had excellent advice for specific pregnancy aches and pains and helped me strengthen and stretch.

I would highly recommend her to any pregnant mummas.”

— Victoria Owens

“Lauren is an amazing Pilates instructor - I loved training with her.

She shared her wealth of knowledge and expertise on how to gently strengthen and challenge the pregnant body. Also great tips on how to prepare physically for a positive labour.

On top of all this, she was always super bright and friendly, which made her classes even more enjoyable. I highly recommend Inner Glow Pilates!'“

— Lucy

“I started with Lauren during Covid, when she was delivering classes online. It was the perfect space for me to feel comfortable with starting out. I'm now doing two classes a week in her beautiful studio.

I've loved my journey with Lauren, discovering how much I enjoy Pilates, and how good it makes me feel. Lauren has been the perfect motivator, an amazing instructor (she always manages to get this uncoordinated body of mine into the right position) and I always leave her classes feeling so good. I recently injured my ankle, and Lauren has always made sure that there were alternatives during each class to ensure that I wouldn't miss out.

If you're looking for a class that caters to all, is fun and challenging, book in with Lauren now!”

— Mel

“I met Lauren when we were in the same second time mothers group. We met briefly in person a few times and I joined a mums and bubs class she was running. Covid lockdowns hit again and Lauren offered online classes. These classes were a life saver.

I was suffering with a prolapse, and looking to get back to my formerly active self, with two small children and lockdown, online was perfect. Lauren did a fabulous job of tailoring the classes to the varied levels of strength. This was 2021. 

Today (Jan 2023) I’ve been doing semi private classes for almost 12 months, with no prolapse symptoms, and completing movement I could only have dreamt about 18months ago. Lauren brings so much energy and understanding of the mothers experience. Highly recommend Inner Glow Pilates and Lauren!”

— Sam S.

“Lauren brings an incredible amount of energy to each session. She creates such an inviting environment, where you always feel comfortable learning … her knowledge regarding post-partum recovery is invaluable … there’s always that extra level of care in her classes and she always listens and adapts to each client’s needs.

I cannot recommend Lauren enough.”

— Beth Crompton

“Lauren was amazing throughout my pregnancy, sharing everything from her professional knowledge and skills, to actually just showing she cares so much for each individual person and their growing bubs.

Exercise can be daunting when you’re pregnant, but she really did go above and beyond to make us feel safe when moving and super prepared for the biggest day of our lives. I am forever grateful!”

— Ash

“Lauren is a godsend. I was nervous returning to exercise after a traumatic birth and c-section, but couldn’t have been in more safe or understanding hands with Lauren.

I’m stronger and more connected with my body than I have been in years, all thanks to Lauren.

She has created a beautiful little haven where I always get a great work out as well as a bit of fun and zen.”

— Errin

Inner Glow Pilates is wonderful for both the mind and body. Lauren truly takes the time to understand each of her clients, personalising each class to ensure we can each achieve our personal strength and confidence goals.

The focus of each class is always varied as is the tempo which I love, you never know what lies ahead but you always know not to trust Lauren's sweet will feel the burn and walk away a little sore!

Lauren has also created a beautiful Inner Glow Pilates community, I always feel supported and I love the laughs we have.

— Caitlin

Lauren is an amazing Pilates teacher who makes everyone in the studio feel like an old friend.

She is an expert in post natal Pilates and always is able to modify the exercises to suit fitness levels/strength etc.

I have been seeing Lauren for Pilates for the past 5 years and it’s because of her encouragement and support that my strength and fitness have improved.

— Louise Feeney

My favourite Pilates classes by far!

Highly recommend Lauren as she is very passionate about not just Pilates but the whole women body and wellbeing. Her classes are structured, spicy and fun!

— Nadia Galutckaia

“After having baby number three I wanted to take time to gain my strength back (and my core!).

After only a few private lessons with Lauren, I couldn’t believe how much stronger I felt, both physically and mentally. Lauren is an amazing motivator and inspiring teacher.

Her classes have really given me back confidence in my body and shown me what I’m capable of.”

— Angela Manahan

“The weekly Mums & Bubs class was my saviour during maternity leave. Lauren was so welcoming and knowledgeable, and when my bub was screaming the place down, she just adapted movements so I could comfort him and not miss out.

She also taught me to breathe properly for each movement which really helped with my post-partum recovery.”

— Lana

Randwick Family Centre members are extremely lucky to have such a fabulous Pilates Instructor available twice weekly as a great fitness option. We've done online sessions during lockdown, and now get together in her lovely studio.

Our Centre supports families within the Defence Force, and with Lauren being a Defence spouse herself, she gets the challenges they face, and is always welcoming, supportive and aware of what's going on.

She's professional, yet presents herself so friendly and relaxed, that you just can't help but feel the same way. Lauren has been flexible with our schedule where possible, and is always on time with classes.

I wouldn't hesitate in recommending Lauren for group/business/corporate or special event classes, she's simply superb!

— Randwick Family Centre

Lauren is not only an excellent Pilates instructor with deep knowledge. She is also friendly, kind and encouraging.

If you want a great workout plus good vibes, I highly recommend her classes.

— Loren Smith


My Story


Strong and Beyond