My name is Lauren. I’m a Pilates instructor, pre/post-natal corrective exercise specialist and mum of two amazing little souls.

Based in Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs, I teach private, group and online classes, as well as mums and bubs sessions.

My classes focus on recovery, building strength and reconnecting. Join me on the mat and find out how I can help you feel stronger and more confident — in body, mind and soul.

My Story

I’ve practiced Pilates since a young age to help with strength for dancing and injury rehabilitation. I’ve always loved to find new ways to move my body and this is where my passion grew.

When I became a mother, I realised just how important it is to be strong in both body and mind, to help with the challenges of motherhood. This encouraged me to turn my passion into reality and become a Pilates instructor. Fueled by just how amazing the female body is, I dived deeper into further study to become a pre/post natal corrective exercise specialist.

In a world where the emphasis is on ‘bouncing back’ and unrealistic expectations, I want mothers to feel strong in mind, body and soul. Be confident in your instructor, and be confident in yourself.

I look forward to seeing you on the mat!

